Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Final "Parting Gift" from Costa Rica

It's July 4th and I'm sick - still sick. When we got home I came down with what I thought was a bug or virus. I waited about 10 ten days to go see the doctor - because really, what can they do for a virus? Nothing, nada - rest, liquids, soup - the usual.

I finally called the doctor last Tuesday - they took me right in. I don't have a virus. I have a raging bacterial infection. A breathing treatment, two -- TWO SHOTS right in the ol' tushie with needles the size of baseball bats and a prescription (Zpack) later and I'm still sick.

I'm not going to describe how gross this is -- but I've gone through four boxes of tissues and am still using them.

I have this really stupid thing when I'm sick -- at some point I always say "I'm dying", or "I think I'm dying" -- Doug now just makes fun of me when I say it.

I'm dying, well maybe not actually dying, but I feel like crap. I'm tired - I can't get a full nights sleep because I keep waking up to clear out my lungs -- but I don't want to supress the cough because I have to get rid of this icky stuff.

Can ANYONE tell me where in the body the 'snot locker' lives? I don't know where the body generates this stuff -- but if we could locate it, maybe we could do a snotlockerectomy and make it go away.

I'm whiny, I need hugs and pets, I'm cranky and crabby.

This has been the longest month of my entire life.

Well, this should be the last entry until we start planning for the return trip in the fall - but who knows - if something else happens, I'll post - so "follow" me so you can be notified if there are new postings.

Hoping to feel human again soon....