Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Caged Tiger

I hate white walls and white floors and white hallways and white stairways --- I am so sick of all this white I could just scream. Oh, sure, at first it's all oooh, aaah, isn't this pretty and clean -- then it becomes personal torture. I need color and texture.

Yeah, here's my whiny baby evening. I'm bored out of my skull. I'm so bored my stomach is in knots and I just want to run screaming down the street. I don't want sit quietly and read -- I've been sitting quietly for days now. I don't want to sit quietly and watch tv.

Poor Doug -- stuck with a caged tiger. Wish him well because I am going stark staring mad.

I want to go home. I want to see my dog. I want my friends. I want to go to work.

Work -- my job -- I love it and I realize that it's the perfect job -- something new every day -- tons of personalities, myriads of problems and issues -- people to talk to and talk with. I'm part park manager, phone guy, internet guy, rental agent, bookkeeper, counselor, shoulder to cry on, problem solver, trash pickerupper, parking lot cleaner, window cleaner, toilet scrubber, floor washer, copier repair guy. It's always something new. I can't wait to get back to the lunacy -- it keeps me sane.

Okay, enough bitching. Thanks for listening.

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