Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday morning

It's Wednesday morning and boredom is setting in. boredboredboredbored. There are I think, 3 english channels and while it's nice to see some old episodes of Friends, The New Adventures of Old Christine and The Bing Bang Theory it does get tiresome when that's pretty much all you can watch.......d a y and n i g h t.

I've taken to watching Spanish infomercials and am insanely pleased when I can pick out a word I understand. Boredom does strange things to you.

We're in the central valley, surrounded by 6 or 8 volcanos -- I don't remember and there isn't anyone around I can ask --- well, I can ask until I'm blue in the face but the simple fact of the matter is they won't understand. Anyway, with nothing better to do, I watch the clouds as they settle in and creep down the mountainsides -- it's like watching an avalance in slow motion (or grass growing or paint drying - take your pick). I imagine that the clouds are just munching on those mountain tops, devouring trees and rocks leaving nothing -- then I ponder -- is this how the Grand Canyon came to be. I'm finding that my mind is a strange and frightening place left to its own devices. I know most of you won't find that surprising but it's starting to creep me out.

Yep, when I'm bored I tend to paddle around the old ponder pond -- that idiotic place in your head where the most inane, insipid and moronic things rattle around. Those stupid thoughts that normally you toss into the subconcious come crawling back from that abyss and say hello once again. Things like who taught bees to dance...
Why don't clouds just get too heavy and come crashing to the ground like rocks....
Who was the first person to eat a lobster and just how hungry did that sucker have to be.... yeah, I'm bored...... and we have three more hours to kill until we go back to the dentist.. the simple fact that I'm looking forward to THAT particular experience clearly shows the disentigration of my mental status......

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