Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dogs and boredom

Another thought just hit me....

A lot of people say that when they come back, they want to come back as a pampered dog. I used to think that might be nice to. Until just now.

Seriously, just what the heck do dogs do all day long? sit, lay, scratch, nap, lick, nibble, lay, sit, scratch, bark at nothing, lick, nap. What do they think about all day long, hmmm,my pack mates are gone again and I'm alone here. hey, what's that noise? oh, just my stomach........ if i bark, will anyone come.... barkbarkbarkbark.............. nope, now my throat is sore.......... where's the water, crap it's old...........let's go to that porcelin well....... ah, that's the ball......wait, i have no thumbs............ crap,now i still limber enough to catch it.......... ow, hit my head on the coffee table and I'm dizzy, but i caught it........... ewww, what's that smell? Oh wait, it's me............ the neighbors cat is at the window, boy, if i had thumbs i'd teach that thing a lesson or two.......... nap, let's just take a nap........on the bed.........on HER pillow............then i'll jump off and they'll never know.......

-- kind of like these medical trips.... a whole lot of nothing to do.

No wonder they chase their tails.....

I do not want to be a dog when I come back.

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