Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday, waiting to go home

It's early Saturday - like 6AM (I don't like seeing 6AM, it's barbaric) and I switched from the Rerun Channel to the next english one -- there was a movie on. Apparently at some point someone decided it would be a really great idea to make a move from that old TV show, SWAT. I can't wait for the Starsky & Hutch TV show - oh wait, they did too, didn't they. Yeah, that was a blockbuster too. Okay, let's wait for Baretta only because I liked the parrot, sort of.

Anyway as I watched this movie I started paddling around the ol' ponder pond. SWAT teams, every county has them, right? So - is there some SWAT-cave where these guys sit around lifting weights, target shooting and dripping testosterone instead of sweat? In the movie they just keep going from major crisis to major crisis. I don't know where you live but in my county, I can't remember the last time anything remotely big enough happened to warrant the SWAT team. Oh wait, there was that one time but I digress.

OR, are they "regular" cops who, when the call goes out (because there's no SWAT light like Batman has) they run in from their regular beats and change ala Superman into the SWAT team?

Speaking of Batman, did they ever need him during the day? Cause if they did the bat light in the sky just wouldn't show up, would it. How would he know? I mean, if Arthur weren't around the mansion dusting and the batphone rang -- they didn't have answering machines back then so did they just keep calling while the city was being attacked? Hmmm, maybe they should have had a SWAT team...

If they do sit around the SWAT-cave, are they called in for not so major things so they don't gather cobwebs or do they loan them out to counties that can't afford their own SWAT teams.

We may never know.........

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