Friday, November 12, 2010


Paddling around the Ponder Pond. Did you ever read the book or see the movie Catch -22? It randomly popped into my mind as I was staring at the clouds eating the mountaintops.

There was a part in the book/movie where one of the characters tells how he has succeeded in living forever. When asked to explain that little trick he said that he simply cultivates boredom. He does nothing for as long as possible, thus making time seem to stop and life seems endless.

Therefore, Doug and I are well on the way to living forever.

All we have to do is get through tonight, which, the way it's going, is going to last forever. There is nothing to do at this Apart/Hotel -- no nightclub, no bar, no nothing. The only things around are a few restaurants and one casino. It's going to be a long night because we're watching reruns on the english channel again and we've found that they run in a cycle each day --- which means that we potentially watch the same episode of any given show three times.

Can't wait for tomorrow morning.

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