Friday, November 12, 2010

Ponder Pond Again

Since we're on the third floor and since we can sit with the door wide open I stare at adjacent roofs.

They use corrugated metal roofing here. Sure, it might look a little cheesy (at least to me) but the more I ponder, the more sense it makes.

If an errant firework falls on the roof, it won't set it on fire -- just burn the feet of some bird unlucky enough to land on it.

You can change not only the color of your house but you can change the color of your roof to coordinate instead of having to coordinate the color of your house to the shingles.

You don't get wood rot which means there is little danger of falling through when you're putting up Christmas decorations.

Speaking of Christmas decorations, if you have a corrugated metal roof, it takes away the almost irrestible urge for people like me to crawl up on the roof with lights and a staple gun ala Christmas Vacation.

If a piece gets a rusty spot, just pull it up and slam in another one.

Yeah, corrugated roofing sounds pretty good, except....

When it rains for months on end I would imagine the almost never ending sound of rain pounding on the metal like some bizzare drum corp would proably send me right off the deep end.

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