Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday and some bad news - for me

First - Doug is doing great - they removed all the temps. from his implants and his stuff is coming along fine and dandy --- yay!

Which, under the circumstances, is turning out to be a really good thing -- because my abcess issues are just glaringly ugly.

This stupid thing has morphed into something between the Blob and the Gulf Oil Spill. It's spread from that one spot above tooth #3 and created a river between my jawbone and sinus cavity -- with an exit fistula. I'm NOT going to explain exactly what this means because it falls clearly in the category of super gross.

The xray is kind of scary.

Soooooooooooo, this afternoon/evening they're going to go in, oh so carefully cut the tooth into pieces and get it out, then clean all the gunk out, then put in a bone graft, then we're either going to do a two stage or one stage (hope and pray for the one stage for me people) implant. Then he stitches it all up nice and neat.

Poor Doug -- he's going to be stuck with a sniveling idiot for the next few days. They've given me some super strong antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Oh Joy, Oh Bliss -- let's just break into a song, shall we.

This was NOT what I was thinking was going to happen in my "Scarlett O'Hara" mind --- you know -- "Oh, I can't think about this today, why, I'll just think it tomorrow, yes, that's what I'll do - I'll go back to Tara and think about it tomorrow. Tomorrow IS another day."

Yeah, we NEVER did see little ol' Ms. Scarlett wake up the next day and get whapped right in the face with a dose of reality - did we. Naw, we didn't and now I know why. Reality Bites.

Ah well, enough carping for now - it isn't going to do any good -- jimminy crickets -- the "G" key on my keyboard is sticky -- so if you see a g missing, it just means I wasn't paying attention and didn't hit the key hard enough.

Hmmm, nothing interesting today - we finally have some sun but it's still very cool -- I should have brought along a sweatshirt or something.

Met a very nice woman from Canada who has been here for about a month getting her entire mouth done -- apparently Canadian dentistry is just as expensive as dentistry in the U.S. She treated herself to an eye lift and didn't tell her husband about it. I think she feels a bit "naughty" but is very happy with all the changes she's making.

Have yet to see our bat-moth friend but perhaps this part of the hotel is out of his territory.

I guess this will be a good thing -- it'll be nice to be out of pain.

Will post again soon, hopefully something happier next time -- or at least mildly amusing.


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