Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday morning

It's about 7:30 AM. I've checked in at the office and things are blissfully quiet.

The day is stunning (mornings are pretty much always nice - then the clouds move in).

This time tomorrow we'll be on a plane heading to Miami and we can't wait. No dental appointment looms ahead of us (unless something goes wrong with the temps).

The swelling is going down on Doug's face.

I have an almost irresistable urge do Snoopy's bunny dance -- oh, come on -- you've seen it -- Snoopy dancing around in circles with bunnies -- his ears flying and waving behind him. It's pure joy or, as they say here, Pura Vida.

Drinking some Cafe Britt (if you're a coffee drinker, you'd love this stuff).

I have no idea what we're going to do for the next hours, but I do know it doesn't involve sitting in a dentist's office for hours on end.

Try to get to Poa Volcano before the clouds come in? Coffee tour? Walk in the National Park? Who knows, who cares - we're dentist free!!!

AND, this is the last day for the breakfast buffet -- I may never eat another scrambled egg as long as I live ("As God is my witness, I will never eat Scrambled Eggs Again)(deep apologies to Miz Scah-Lett)

1 comment:

  1. Actually being I live in Phoenix and have never met you personally on your home turf of Florida, I kinda have a different thought on you leaving CR. :) You keep us all entertained way more there than when you are at home. Love to read your tales, however I guess I if I put myself in your shoes (I won't put myself in Dougs, NO WAY) I'd be wanting to come home also. Have a wonderful last day. Thanks for the daily report.
