Saturday, June 12, 2010

Thursday - my heart is breaking

Doug decided to take a shower before the appointment today. Remember I said the entire bathroom was tiled? Well, it is and tile can be slippery. I heard the shower turn off and then I heard Doug yell - well, actually swear. I ran in and found him on the floor - he leaned out to get a towel and lost his footing - he hit his shoulder and hit it hard. I can't believe he's already in pain and now this.

Here we are again - 9:00 AM - dentist's office. They took him back and gave him a pretty heavy sedative. It's now around 10:00 and Dr. Marco took the time to come out and tell me Doug is calm and ready for whatever they need to do.

He's been in there a long time - at least an hour and a half. I think I must know what my dog feels like when we go out - I keep staring at the doorway he went through wondering when he'll come out and is he okay.

There, I see him - he has a bag of ice up to his face and he looks a little shocky. They worked on the upper left quadrant. That tooth, the one the specialist messed up? Dr. Marco couldn't save it. Not only that, he had to cut a flap into the gum, clean out the 'hole' in the jawbone with a diamond burr (I use these things in my art work -- they're scary) and then do the bone graft, then stitch it up. This was, according to Doug - amazingly painful). He also put in two implants -- so, the count there was one extraction, one bone graft and two implants. He said he wanted Doug back at 4PM to seat the partials.

I got Doug back to the hotel and settled in -- just a few hours later I had to wake him up and take him back to the dentist. How this man drags himself out of bed each time - knowing it's going to be painful and uncomfortable is beyond me. It is Thursday and he has been in that chair twice a day for days.

We got some oatmeal, yogurt and pudding into him. More sleep.

Friday morning, he's got to go back for more.

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