Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday - Dentist

Good Morning, it was back to the dentist at 9 for laser treatments to help the healing process and kill any bacteria roaming around - yup, I researched this too and we met with the doctor. Doug had some questions and by the time we were done talking, things were much more clear.

Doug didn't have two bone grafts -- he had FOUR -- all on the left side, no wonder his face is so swollen and he's in so much pain.

I've said this before - this doctor is conservative but I think I need to explain that a little more and this grafting situation is a very good example. Dr. Marco is a specialist in implants and has the sheepskin to prove it, he also stays on top of the technology - good and bad. He's one of those rare doctors who understands what it's like to be "on the other side of the chair", so to speak. This makes for a very kind, patient and understanding physician - a rarity from my experience. Two of the bone grafts were to fix damage deep in the jaw due to botched up root canals and the restulting infections that caused the bone loss. The other two were placed in the sockets where the broken teeth were (when the crowns broke off at the gum line).

He explained that there is always a chance for dry sockets when a tooth is removed. An extremely painful condition. It is his practice - every time a tooth is removed, he does a bone graft - could some look at this as overly cautious, sure they could but I don't. I see a man who understands that quite a few of his patients come to him from very far away and if something goes wrong, it's a long way back to his office for help. I see a man with decades of experience who believes it is best to do it the right way the first time (which is why we're going to have to come back down to complete the work).

Sure, I can some of you now -- you're thinking that perhaps we're being too trusting, being sold a bill of goods to charge us more money. Let me tell you a little something about me - I'm as cynical as the day is long. It's been my life experience that everyone has an angle. (In the past few years though, I have found some amazing people that are challenging my cynical views but that's a whole different blog.) I did a whole lot of research into this guy before Doug ever made that first phone call. I also did a bunch of research into this whole bone graft thing looking for trouble before it came to my door. Know what I found? This guy is spot on. Now the professional dental community is saying that bone grafting (socket grafting)should be done for every adult tooth that is removed - whether an implant is being done or not. Why? Because time has shown that empty sockets set the jaw up for further bone loss in the future. Dr. Marco told us he learned this in the States.

We're pretty much stuck here until Saturday. Dr. Marco wants laser treatments, follow up x-rays to check the grafts and hopefully the stitches will come out on Friday. He also wants to make some more temps. for Doug - ones that are a tad more comfortable and better fitting as the swelling recedes.

So this concludes todays trip to the dentist.....let the day drag on.

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