Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday - Please God, let this be all

9:00 AM Friday finds us back in the dentist's office.

They take him back and I have to be honest here -- if it were me, you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming back into that office or whap me over the head with a stick and carry me in. I don't know how anyone can be so brave.

Again, I find myself staring at my computer screen and the doorway. Finally, finally he appears - another icepack on his face and looking shaky.

They couldn't save that lower tooth and had to do another bone graft. They placed the final two implants and we had to go back at 4:00 for the temporaries.

He did it - he did it all.

Some of you may be wondering why are they putting in temps. -- well, let me tell you - there was another guy staying here who initially opted to forego the temps. That lasted about a day. Why? Well, those posts they put in for the implants apparently tear up your tongue - we're talking bleeding here. So the temps. are not just for being able to eat oatmeal, but for the health and safety of your mouth.

Poor Doug - his face is swollen, his head hurts and I'm pretty sure he traumatized - I know I would be.

No fever. Went to the Pharmacia and got some pretty good pain pills (nope, no scrips needed). Gave him one, he nodded off and no bad reaction (yes, we got what the doctor recommended, we didn't just run in and say - Hola, quiero drugs!)

Food: pasta and soup, pudding and yogurt.

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