Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tuesday - work begins

9:00 AM - back in the dentist's office. We sit side by side, each lost in our own thoughts - television playing in the background. Doug is taken back and I flip open my netbook - hoping beyond hope that there is WiFi so I can work, just like I promised everyone back home that I would. Poof -- there it is -- an open network. I'm tapping and typing, checking emails, printing faxes, the whole shebang and then Dr. Marco calls me into his office.

He shakes my hand and bids me to sit. He tells me that the first phase has gone well. The right side is done - two upper implants, one lower. It went beautifully with no problems. He said Doug was "very relaxed" (read "kinda stoned") and told me to take him back to the hotel, rest for a few hours and come back at 4:00 for the temporaries (seriously - they were ready within a few hours).

Doug says he was amazed by the speed - it was quick, much faster than he anticipated. Our driver came and took us back to the hotel - at 3:20 I woke Doug up and off we went to the dentist. Temporaries were placed and home we went. Doug took a pain pill (don't kid yourself - getting titanium tips screwed into your jaw not once but three times hurts!) and went to sleep.

Work was to begin again Wednesday morning.

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