Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday - a break

Saturday morning was the most beautiful morning we have seen since we arrived. The sky was bright and clear with little puffy clouds floating by. The breeze was cool and light.

Doug's face is swollen on the left side but he says the pain is a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10.

We walked down to breakfast and fed our little flying friend. Did I mention him? No? Well, now that we have a break from the dental work, let me fill you in - because we HAVE had some light moments. Every morning when we sit down to breakfast there is this little bird -- he looks like a cross between a Sparrow and a Finch, BUT he has a tuft on the top of his head that looks like a mohawk - seriously. He's a cheeky little bugger and adores whole wheat toast. He flits around tables, hopping and hoping for treats. If I can get a photo, I'll post it - but he's FAST.

After breakfast Doug thought he might like to do something - said he was afraid boredom might set in. We talked about it, looked at brochures for a while and then he admitted he was feeling -- what did he say - ah yes, he felt lumpy. I made him some Mac and Cheese and here I am - blogging, trying to let you all know what's going on here.

We go back to the dentist on Monday - but just to check on the work that's been done so far - making sure there are no infections and that the stitches are doing okay.

The next couple of posts will be much lighter, I promise.

Oh, in case you're wondering -- yes, Doug thinks it's worth it -- get it done quickly, don't drag it out for months and remembers that in a week, he'll have teeth again and will be able to chew. First on his list??? A steak. He's got it - I'll grill it to perfectioin and it WILL be filet mingnon...

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