Friday, June 18, 2010

I Ate A Trout

I took my own advice and "opened my palate and my mind" -- our driver loves cream soup. It was lunchtime. We asked for his opinion on a place to go while heading back down the mountain. He took us to a restaurant famous for its Trout. They catch them here, in this lake. He thinks their cream soup is the best in the world.

I've never eaten Trout before, but hey - "when in Rome....." They had Trout cooked like a million different ways so I picked one and hoped for the best.

I should have taken a picture, I know, I know. Out came a plate with a lovely mound of white rice, a small salad (YAYAY SALAD!!!!) and half a small fish (sans head, thank you very much) covered in a white wine, mushroom, cream sauce with almonds.

Did I mention I'm not big on fish? I don't like fishy fish. I like shrimp, lobster, some mahi and swordfish - flaky fish, not fishy fish. I had NO clue.

Did it have bones? Was there skin and scales under that sauce???? Who knew!?!?! Oh the adventure of it all....

I took my fork and took a nibble -- oh YUMMO -- flaky, not fishy at all -- ew, skin underneath - don't eat it - so I did what I always do with new things -- I played with it -- little nibbles and bits, until Doug said -- are you having fun. I looked up and there were the two of them - grinning at me. Apparently taking teeny tiny little nibbles and bits while examing the skin and meat and texture is funny.

Lunch was good. Freshwater Trout is good. I tried something new. Ha.

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