Saturday, June 12, 2010

Starting at the Beginning...

Before I go into the details of this amazing trip, I should start with the question we've been asked whenever we say we're heading to Costa Rica for dental work.

"Why, why are you going to some foreign country when the best doctors in the world are here?"

That's the one - the question that comes with the raised eyebrows and hand to chest gesture - the worry or disbelief in the tone of voice - the BIGGIE, the QUESTION.

When Doug came home before our first trip to Costa Rica for dental work (yeah, you're reading it correctly - this is our second trip down here) I thought along the same lines -- why would we leave the country - we have a dentist here. Then he showed me the estimate for the work he needed done. $17,000. Yup, 17k. We didn't have an extra 17,000 hanging around.

Doug told me he has a friend who came back from there pleased as punch with his work -- so, I began researching, and researching and researching. After a few weeks, I couldn't find a problem, aside from my/our fear of leaving for a foreign country, with our very limited command of the language trying a new dentist... but we took the leap and went.

We stayed in a city called Escazu, big with the ex-Pats and plastic surgery crowd. We stayed in a "Recovery Resort" - only for people having some kind of work done - all inclusive, gated and guarded, up in the mountains outside San Jose. Everything went quite well and our bill for the dental work - out the door? $1,300. Even with airfare and resort fees we were well under the $17,000 quoted stateside.

It was March, 2008 - March is still "high season" for tourists - long, sunny days with clouds skittering along the tops of the mountains and volcanos, flowers blooming everywhere and cool, clean nights. The gathering room at the resort had a stunning, panoramic view of San Jose below - sparkling stars skimming the ground. I admit it - I was hooked - I was in love with Costa Rica.

All was well and eveything was fine until a few weeks ago - Doug has had root canals and crowns placed on all of his molars - oh sure, it took years but there you have it - all those molars and bit by bit they broke off at the gum line (which they will do - in case your dentist didn't tell you that when you had yours done). He was down to zero molars - that means no chewing surface whatsoever.

So you know what that means - get a price quote and hold on! The quote for implants (because there just weren't any other options) you're wondering -- holy cow -- are ya ready???

Drum roll please..........................................

$50,000 -- YIKES, Jimminy Flippin' Crickets -- looks like we're headin' South!

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