Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pulling it all Together

Wow, time to start hitting the Internet again - we need a specialist for implants. Doug had gotten a couple of names from friends and their examples were pretty impressive -- let's face it, you can't exactly hide a face full of teeth.

This trip would be significantly different than our last trip. Last time we had plenty of time to plan, to arrange work and vacation schedules, rides to and from the airport, dog sitters, house sitters, mail pick up - all those billions of little details. Nope, this time we needed to move quickly. Why, you ask? Have you met my husband? Doug is over 6' tall and has the metabolism of a Ferrari or Corvette. A diet of yogurt, oatmeal and pudding cups may be fine for some, but this guy needs FOOD.

The biggest concern I had was taking two weeks off from my job -- I run a business park - and I love my job. I work for three of the most amazing people I've ever met and take care of the most amazing small business owners on the planet. I didn't want to let anyone down for a second. The owners were behind us 110% as were the tenants - do what you need to do, we'll take care of the details. Am I the luckiest woman in the world? YOU betcha!

Luckily we have Vonage - which means we simply tied our home phone to the laptop and forwarded the office phone to the home phone, then there is a tricky little service called GOTOMYPC.COM - so I could remotely run the office from the new netbook I purchased for the trip. Big Detail #1 - done.

Now, the dog -- she'll go stay with her 'boyfriend' (Phoebe is a Bouvier des Flandres and her boyfriend is a shih tsu - what a goofy pair they make), mail? house? details 2 through 800 - done.

Rides to and from the airport. Do you one of those friends -- you know, the one that is always there? Luckily, we do. Joanne volunteered (volunteered mind you, no begging or pleading or bargaining - she just said - well, what day and time do you want me to pick you up!) to take us to the airport -- we're talking 7:00AM on a Saturday morning -- there is a very special place in Heaven for people like that.

We finalized the details with the dentist - this time a specialist in San Jose and made arrangements to stay at the Apartotel Christina right in the Capital city.

I know what you're wondering -- if the quote stateside was $50,000 - what did the dentist in Costa Rica quote -- well, right around $6,600. Yeah, I know.

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