Sunday, June 20, 2010


I slept until noon. After 14 days of running stairs -- like 20 flights per day and running up and down trails and up and down the stairs to and from the dentist's office, after bone jarring rides over bad roads being bounced around like a beebee in a boxcar. My body is sore and aches all over.


We took Phoebe to her favorite restaurant (she had a cheeseburger, thank you very much) and we're home.

My bathtub beckons -- I love baths - long, hot, steamy baths. I need to drive the car around to charge it up or whatever the heck it does, then I need to do some baking, then some more putzing. Then make dinner. Then I can take a bath and go to bed. All I want to do is sleep and unwind and destress.

Well, enough blogging for now - it's off to work so I can go back to work tomorrow (I can't wait to get back to the office!!)

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