Friday, June 18, 2010

It's 8PM - Time for Bed - 4AM comes early!

Well, it's our last night here -- dinner for Doug consisted of:

1/4 Chocolate Cake, with chocolate icing
1 Can Peaches
1/2 Quart Vanilla Ice Cream

and I'm not sure what else - we're cleaning out the fridge.

Since I have a milk allergy, that left me out of the "sugar rush" and since we have no butter - forget the boxed stuffing (thankfully) and since I cannot, absolutely cannot face one more scrambled egg (which would had to have been nuked) forget that. I had some crackers, until the 'greasy' quotient got to me.

Hopefully, after we get up at 4AM (OMG, 4AM - the horror - I HATE morning and truly believe that God does not want us to rise before the sun does) and get to the airport, pay our exit tax, check in with American Airlines, go through security - IF I'm not arrested for terminal bitchiness, hopefully there will be coffee and breakfast on the horizon.

I know - you're thinking why didn't you just go out to eat and toss all that crap. Well, the oh so infamous italian restaurant didn't open until 7PM tonight - by the time we got back, it would have been too late -- they feature nice, civilized, slower paced service. It was pouring out -- no way could we walk any place. Grab a cab you say and find a restaurant? That's a whole different bag of worms we didn't want to delve into on our last night.

Funny thing -- I have mixed emotions about this departure. I really, really want to go home - I want my dog, I want my bed, my sofa and my kitchen. I want my friends. I want to go back to work.

I also wanted a few days with Doug, alone. I wanted a couple of days where we could relax and just enjoy each other.

I guess I'm just selfish - I wanted it all.

Thankfully, Doug is doing well and we'll be home - things will go back to 'normal' and maybe next year or the year after we can take a couple of days and embrace "Pura Vida" - no matter where that may be.

Well, I'll update you all tomorrow - but probably not until we hit the states and the home internet. Can't hardly wait to see what the dawn has in store for us.

Buenos Noches Todos!!

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