Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday night

Doug had to go back to the dentist at 4PM, we got home from the dentist at 11:30 AM. They tried to place his temps. back in this morning so when we got back to our "little piece of heaven" Doug wanted some food -- soft food -- back with another round of PANCAKES -- boxed mix, naturally -- used it all up along with the last of the "real butter" and most of the "half butter" (someday, I'm going to find out what half butter is).

I loaded up a plate and handed it to him. Poor Doug, poor poor Doug -- he took one bite - one mouthful and the next thing I know I see teeth bouncing across the floor. The temps failed again -- remember, these would have been used for a very short time, for crowns that would have been installed already. That's why we're going back later.

I picked up the teeth and wrapped them in a napkin. "Luckily" for us, we have an appointment later.

I heated up something I had made -- actually, it was a mish mash of leftovers -- nuked the crap out of it. Four bites later and I felt like crap. I don't know if it's becuase I am tired of food from jars and cans (and so is my system) or if it was being tired and being stressed, but I felt awful -- this time I went and laid down. Went to sleep pondering whether I should get up and go toss my cookies or not. Awoke just in time to freshen up and hop in a cab back to the dentist.

Three hours later (yeah, you're reading it right) three hours later he's done for now. New "permanent temps" (hmmm, maybe I need to add that to the list of oxymorons - whaddaya think) are in place and the doctor says he can eat normally. Yeah, right - poor guy is sitting there with an ice hand on his face. Did I forget to mention the ice hands? The dentist gives patients rubber gloves full of frozen water -- actually a brilliant idea.

Dinner tonight? Doug had a can (can you believe I'm giving my husband CANNED CHICKEN SOUP????) of chicken noodle soup - he has a couple of things of yogurt, a bit of chocolate pudding and some (sigh) canned fruit left to nibble on.

Me? There are a couple of cans of beer left in the fridge and some vodka and OJ -- i think i may just have a liquid dinner and be done with the whole thing. Yeah, nutritious and delicious.

Tomorrow is Friday -- if nothing goes wrong at the breakfast buffet (Lord help me, I am so sick of scrambled eggs) he can bypass yet another trip to the dentist. Maybe, just maybe we'll go see a volcano - but with it being rainy season and all, there's a pretty good shot that all we'll see are clouds. Who knows, we'll just wing it.

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