Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday - Week 2 - Bad News

Oh crap, crap, crap. Just when you think things are going swimmingly and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel - up pops a roadblock.

We went for our usual 9:00 AM appointment and Doug came out with that look on his face - you know the look - the one that says "we're screwed".

Because he had to have two bone grafts they cannot place the implants for 2-3 months. That means we're pretty much dead in the water here -- oh, Doug is calling the airline while I type this to see if we can switch flights, but that may end up costing us more $$$ than just sitting in this hotel for the week.

Crap, crap, crapola - I could just cry.. he's going to have to come back down here in the fall alone. His spanish is worse than mine, he doesn't know the money and I know darn well he won't take care of himself (being a hovering nag bordering on Banshee has its advantages when getting him to take meds and do the icky stuff to keep the infections away). Let's not forget his abject terror of flying - who's going to maneuver him onto the plane in the Xanax fog - what if he falls asleep in the terminal waiting for the flight (strong stuff, that Xanax) and he misses his plane..... shoot, I'm getting myself in a tizzy - I hate it when a plans falls apart.

I know, you're sitting there wondering why I don't just come back in the fall. Remember I told you about the people I work for? The wonderful ones? Well, they are wonderful - they have bent over backwards to make this happen for us. My vacation time is shot for the year and no way, no how would I ask them to advance me time for next year, let me take off and leave the Park for another week. It would fall into the category of taking advantage -- and ya just can't do that to anyone, especially to the really nice people.

Doug is making noises about waiting until after the first of the year -- that might work out -- but we'll have to talk to the dentist at tomorrow's appointment to see if the temps. will last that long.

Gotta think, gotta work out the angles and corners - make a plan.... think, think, think.......kick that OCD into hyper drive and figure this out.....

Jimminy Flippin' Crickets - where's the Tylenol.....

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