Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday morning

Wednesday was a pretty bad day for Doug, at least patience wise. He's sick and tired of being sick and tired. The bed is uncomfortable and the walls are closing in. The four bone grafts are still very painful and he has some temps. that just refuse to stay in place. He's NOT a happy man. He wants a cigar. Wants his bed. Wants his dog. Wants my real cooking.

I cannot believe that we're both in a spot where we just want to go home - don't want to be here anymore.

The constant visits to the dentist are grinding on our nerves -- oh, certainly, his more than mine, but grinding none the less.

Today's dental schedule? Take impressions for the final temps before we head stateside for a few months for healing, then they need to check the stitches, check the bone and socket grafts. That's today. Then there's tomorrow. Then there's the whole flight home.

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